By Hall News - Wed, 5th Feb 2025
For their centenary last year Grampound WI planted three crab apple trees in the Ham field and now a plaque presented by the Village Hall Trustees has been placed there.
The plaque reads "These trees were donated by Grampound WI in celebration of their centenary 1924 - 2024."
The trees have survived their first winter and are growing well.
Carole Bowling, chair of Grampound WI, said:
"The Forest for Cornwall contacted the Cornwall Federation of Women's Institutes some time ago to promote their initiative in planting more trees throughout the county.
It was proposed that each WI would be offered one of two trees to plant provided that they would be placed in a community space or a members front garden. The hope was that they would be placed where they could be seen by the public and that WI members would be responsible for watering them and looking after them. There were 6 or more varieties offered, all of them native trees and they will hopefully encourage insects to provide food for birds.
In the end I was able to obtain 3 very healthy specimens."